Sunday, January 1, 2012

Feeling a little rough this first morning of 2012?

If your New Year's Eve was anywhere near as fun as mine, you probably greeted the first morning of 2012 with a groan and a headache.  Luckily for us, I found this article, and thought today is the perfect time to share it:  12 Hangover Cures from Famous Heavy Drinkers.  Who knows how to cure a hangover better than some of my favorite writers, like Ernest Hemingway or William Faulkner??  But my favorite cure comes from Dean Martin:  "Stay drunk."

I'm not famous, but I'm going to share my own hangover cure.  I think it is pretty effective, and really easy.  When you wake up all dizzy at 5:00 am, with a raging headache and sick stomach, feeling like you might die, get out of bed, take a handful of advil, drink a 32-ounce bottle of G2, and go back to sleep.  When you wake up again, you should feel like a new person.  If you don't, move on to step 2.  Get out of bed and, still wearing your pajama pants, go to the nearest Irish pub (if you are in Seattle, I recommend the Celtic Swell on Alki).  Have an Irish coffee, with extra Jameson, and some waffle dogs (Irish sausage wrapped in waffle).  Follow that with another Irish coffee and a traditional Irish breakfast.  (As you can see, today was a step 2 day for me.)

You'll feel like a million bucks - or at least like you might not die. 

Happy 2012!

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